Wednesday, October 7, 2009

/Rant (you were warned)

It's been kind of a meh week in wow, guild frustrations abound. I'm in a casual guild, we raid twice a week for 4 hours each, in theory, but lately we haven't been doing that. Tuesday is our loot pinata day in which we storm into ToC25 and destroy that then port to Theramore and one-shot Onyxia, then call it a night, and break up into two or so ToC10s to farm badges. Thursday we usually manage to scrounge together 25 people to try ToGC, but we constantly battling attendance issues and have canceled more than a few raids due to a shortage of people. Last week we put in a measly nine attempts on beasts before calling it. We weren't making much progress, wiping pretty consistently the first time we got toxin on the raid, but honestly? Tab out look up some strats, yell at people to ACTUALLY spread out and oh yeah major pet peeve, kick the healer who DCs 5 seconds into EVERY attempt. Our healing is having trouble keeping up and the fact that Miss Resto Shaman can't stay online thus we're five-healing definitely doesn't help. Basically progression raids have been incredibly frustrating due to lack of persistence and personal accountability.

Enough of that rant I have more! My ToGC10 is a collection of some of the better players in my guild: myself, my mage boyfriend, a couple people we've guild-hopped with (rogue, ret pally, prot/fury/arms warrior, shadow/disc priest [who's been flaky of late]) the GM of my guild (resto sham), officer #1 (prot pally) officer #2 (feral deeps/tank) officer #3 (hunter). So it's kind of a loaded group of friends and all of the important people in our guild. ToGC has proven to be very easy....until Anub. It took us I think two weeks to down him, mostly because of time constraints and not being able to find time to finish up our raid. When we finally downed him we got A Tribute to Skill and figured we'd be farming it from then on. This week we got to Anub with 50 attempts remaining (no pressure right?) Wiped the first time, which took off a little pressure, but as we got closer to 45 attempts, that pressure mounted again. We took a five minute break before our 45th attempt to try to relax, came in and wiped. My thoughts were something like "oh well, we'll get it next week. Pressure's off let's kill him" Officer #1 says in raid: "I have stuff to do I gotta go, night." What?! no heads up, no: "Hey guys I have to go in a half an hour or so." I almost feel like it was emo logging. Not everybody could make it Monday (the next day) and so that was it. Anub didn't die. I'm 3/5 T9, I've been counting on getting a trophy from 10m. Wow, so frustrating.

I know I'm in a casual guild, but I've always been a bit of a hardcore at heart. What's always stopped me is my terrible computer that gets me as low as 2-4 fps in 25m raids at times. Poison circles on the ground? Nope, can't see them. Nowadays, even with the same terrible computer, my friends keep me in casual guilds. We move as a group, and there are six of us. Hardcore guilds would never have six main raid spots, even though we're all very skilled players. I've always been content being casual, wanted more, but content. I'm starting to reach my breaking point, and the less we raid the more tantalizing the better guilds on my server look.

Kind of curious to see how ToGC10 goes tonight nonetheless

I need to figure out how to make this pretty sometime, but I know nothing about websites

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